On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 11:28:15 -0600 (CST), Adam Maloney <adam at whee.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Dan Drake wrote:
> To leave a voice message, please press the atomic numbers for Beryllium,
> Helium, and Hydrogen 
<continuing message Scenario #1>
...otherwise please continue listening to this voice recording in this
black hole of a spitoon message spoken without pauses that will eat
you alive with long distance charges if you are outside Minnesota or
if you are domiciled in Minnesota then this will give plenty of time
to trace this call because if you were a person you would have gotten
the point by now and since your are still on the line and may be
calling from inside Minnesota you are surely in violation of Minnesota
state law that requires all marketing calls to be preceeded by a live
operator so now please listen to me read you from my favorite book and
I will speak in a monotone without pauses now once upon a time in the
kingdom of stupid people there lived a spammer...

<continuing message Scenario #1>
...otherwise please leave your message with all of your identifying
information so I can attach your voice message to an email
automatically sent from me to the Minnesota Attorney General's office.

I ask you, how long and how often will a spitter call before the costs
eat them alive and/or any Minnesota relay points are raided and the
owner jailed.