<list reply to off-list message>

This is poor form typically but your email server does not like mine. I need to
see about getting my provider to do rDNS. In the meantime our conversation will
need to be via the list.

> Josh,
> Yes, what you said is correct. I'm running the pscp command from the
> Windows side, trying to pull from Linux. But I think my firewall may
> be on or my ssh daemon is off.
> How do I turn on the ssh daemon?
> Nick

What distro are you running again? Red Hat/Fedora, Debian, Gentoo?

Red Hat/Fedora:
#service sshd start

#/etc/init.d/ssh start

who cares ;)

Also, make sure that you have no firewall running. I believe that a default
Debian install does not have a firewall running. A default install of later Red
Hat versions has a very restrictive firewall setup.

Red Hat
#service iptables stop
