On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 08:48:03PM -0500, Dave Roe wrote:
> I'm trying to display an IRIX GUI application via ssh on my Mandrake 10.1
> system, which is using the native NVIDIA driver.  The X log file is loading
> the NVIDIA and glx modules fine.  The IRIX machine displays
> this message: 
> IrisGL: ERROR #106  Couldn't connect to display ":10.0": ERR_NOWINDOWSERVER

The program is using IrisGL which is the precursor to OpenGL.  It's not
going to work without some help.  Some quick Googling brings up this

IGL is an Open Source port of IrisGL library to OpenGL:

You can do some more searching to learn more about the history of IrisGL
and OpenGL.
