Does anyone have recommendations for ISPs that work well with Quest's DSL 
services?  I want to replace this AOL dial-up account with something faster and 
more flexible, but I don't want to unknowingly lose some of the features I've 
grown used to when I move to another ISP.  I've read some of the ISP reviews in 
the TCLUG archive, and checked out the web pages of the local ISPs, but I'm 
somewhat confused by many of the service plans I've found.  I'm not sure what 
I'm getting, whether or not I need it, or whether there is an alternative by 
another name, that's better.

I have several computers at home, and connecting to the internet with any one 
of them is as simple (?) as plugging in the phone line and dialling AOL.  As 
I understand it, DSL uses one modem, and a router, switch or even a single NIC 
on the computer side.  Some of the ISPs don't seem to have any problem with 
multiple computers connecting through a local network, others seem to have 
severe restrictions, and other ISPs don't say anything at all.  Can I connect any 
computer on by home network?  I don't necessarily need more than one internet 
connection at a time.  What about wireless connections?  I'll soon have a 
notebook with a wireless card.

Also, my wife uses a computer provided by her employer to access email.  It 
uses some kind of nationwide dial-up network to connect to the company's 
network.  This system is very restricted in what can and can't be done, although I'm 
assuming that it could use the DSL line if available.  Anyone know of any 
problems we may have?

With AOL, I have up to five (now seven) email accounts (screen names).  The 
ISPs I've looked at seem to offer varying numbers of email addresses, from 
seven or eight to only one.  I'd like to have five -- would ISPs provide this, or 
is there a better way?

Some of the ISPs offer "personal web pages", usually with more or less 
restrictions.  I don't anticipate having anything big or elaborate, but this may be 
a nice feature.  Any comments?

Finally, the reason I want to replace AOL is so that I can use Linux more.  
AOL doesn't even respond to questions about Linux access etc.; some of the 
other ISPs appear to have very good support for Linux, others no more flexible 
than AOL.  

Thanks for any recommendations/suggestions/comments.

Kraig Jones

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