The biggest tip would be use "gvim"  (vim with the gui pops up it's own 
window and in the background unless the "-f" option is used).  Another 
is to view diffs use "gvimdiff f1 f2" or if not gui compiled use 
"vimdiff f1 f2".   The default for the "*vimdiff" is that folding is 
on.   Also the "*vimdiff" will do a 3 file diff as well via "gvimdiff f1 
f2 f3".  

Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

>holy **** some of this stuff is cool!
>the word-completion trick (ctrl-n) rocks!
>here's a nifty excerpt:
># Absolutely essential
>* # g* g#           : find word under cursor (<cword>) (forwards/backwards)
>%                   : match brackets {}[]()
>.                   : repeat last modification
>matchit.vim         : % now matches tags <tr><td><script> <?php etc
><C-N><C-P>          : word completion in insert mode
><C-X><C-L>          : Line complete SUPER USEFUL
>/<C-R><C-W>         : Pull <cword> onto search/command line
>/<C-R><C-A>         : Pull <CWORD> onto search/command line
>:set ignorecase     : you nearly always want this
>:syntax on          : colour syntax in Perl,HTML,PHP etc
>:h regexp<C-D>      : type control-D and get a list all help topics
>                      regexp (plus use TAB to Step thru list)
>After the vim presentation at TCLUG last year, I thought I had a decent
>handle on how to use it; but I didn't know 1/100th of this stuff...
>so how do you do all this stuff in Emacs? 
>(seriously, I want to know, just for curiosity's sake).

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