On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Sam MacDonald wrote:

> I did a review of the place I purchased a power supply. (I did have one
> person on the list ask for the phone number.)
> In that review I was warning anyone with a problem with cigarette smoke
> about the environment. If I tell someone about something I feel they
> should be informed about any hazard they may encounter.  Also, I did ask
> the list if anyone knew where I could get a cheep power supply.

I'm not joining in the flame-sam-fest, just offering some honest advice.
I very much appreciate some of the things that you bring to this group,
and can still live with any of the things that I don't appreciate.
I think it might help to appease the people who might otherwise bash you,
if you use a subject that accurately portrays the contents of your
message, and when it doesn't apply to Linux if you mark the message as OT.
I don't find anything offensive or annoying about the things you e-mail to
the group, but I can understand how people might become annoyed when they
often times get e-mails to you that are off-topic or that they just can't
tell what the message will possibly contain until they open it.  I do
often go through and delete a thread without even reading the message just
based on the subject.  I know that some things just don't interest me.

Justin Kremer <kremer at ringworld.org>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org