I'm looking for volunteers for two different aspects of a pet project of

First let me say that this is an individual effort, completely seperate of
Sihope.  All of the development and resources are my own.  Secondly, I
know that this has been done to death, but I have a few new ideas that I
want to try out that will differentiate it from everything else that's out

I've developed the start of a DNS-based IP blacklist.  I have the basic
service functional.  I have rather ambitious future plans that will make
it distinct from similar services that are available, of which there are
hundreds and they're mostly the same.  I hope to not only gather a lot of
data about spammer operations, but also develop a useful tool for the

Basically I have two different needs.

I need some more diverse spamtrap addresses to feed the database.  I have
a couple of hundred setup and distributed across some of my personal
domains (I've used unique ones to seed different services - i.e., replying
to the remove address, web forms, usenet and ML posts, etc).  I use this
to track spam list distribution and gathering points, which is a seperate

So if anyone is willing to forward an e-mail address or two to help
improve the database, I will provide details.  I only want e-mail
addresses that have never been used - old addresses that once belonged to
someone cross a grey area that I don't want to get involved with at this

Secondly, I'm looking for a handful of people to start using it.  I don't
expect it to stop a great deal of spam in it's current state (although it
has stopped some for me), but as I get more feeder addresses, and more of
the features I want incorporated, I expect it to do a decent job.  Right
now I just want a few people actively using it, even if it is currently

I am planning on making some reporting tools in the next few weeks that
will be open to participants, so you can see some statistics that I

If anyone is interested please contact me off-list.  Understand that in
it's current state, it is not very effective, and I'm only looking for
testers, not users.  Although I don't expect it to take more than a few
minutes of work for anyone.



TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org