It looks good, generally speaking.  I would indent things to make it a
bit clearer what you're trying to do.  I usually indent "E" and "A"
recipes as well, just for a visual flow effect.

* Condition to match
{ # RECIPE ... }

    :0E  #The "E" is there because of a previous recipe in my script
        ! <myphonenumber>

        ! myuserid at

I'm not sure how well AT&T filters emails, but T-Mobile's SMS Gateway
doesn't clean up some header fields very well.  Additionally, the
"Subject:" and "From:" headers count against your total character count.

    * < 1024
    * ^From: \/.*
        # Grab the from address from \/ match above

        # Send copy to final destination
        ! myuserid at

        # Generate autoreply -- strips headers, and keep body.
        # Override "From: "
        :0 fw
        | formail -r -k -I "From: $FROM"

            # Now, let's cut the body down to 150 bytes (one byte/char)
            :0 abfw
            | head -c 150

            # Cut out the "Subject:" & "To:" headers -- may not be
            # necesary
            #:0 ahfw
            #| sed -e '/^\(To\|Subject\):.*/ d'

            # and send it on its way -- not important if body snip
            # didn't work
            ! <myphonenumber>

Chad Walstrom <chewie at> 
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */
-------------- next part --------------
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