Currently I have a mail server that keeps a copy of every bit of incoming
e-mail. I do this with a simple procmail rule in /etc/procmailrc and alot
of extra space on /home:

| bzcat -z >> $HOME/.MailArchive.bz2

I want to do something similar for incoming mail, and the closest example
I've found so far is using the always_bcc option to dump all mail into a
mailbox. To me, this doesn't seem to be all that useful as everyone's mail
would end up in one big file.

Of course, this comes up because a user (*couch* sales guy *cough*) had
his laptop stolen, and of course he was downloading all his mail to his
laptop, and keeping who knows how many years of e-mail archived, and now
it's all gone and he wants it back. He was happy enough to get his recived
mail back, but I always ment to get around to figure out archiving
outgoing mail. Guess I just needed a kick in the pants.

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
 A password is like your underwear; Change it
 frequently, don't share it with others, and
     don't ask to borrow someone else's.

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