Just a reminder that the UpSwing Expo is tonight.


Missed the Strictly Business Expo because you had to work? Well don't
worry. The TCLUG will be at next week's UpSwing Business Expo
(http://www.upswingexpo.com). The Expo is from 5pm - 7:30pm on May
29th at the Minneapolis Marriott Southwest.   

There will be great music, great people, great food and great drinks
along with over 100 companies exhibiting and 500-700 business leaders.

The expo is free and all you need to get in is a business card.  For
more information check out UpSwing Business Expo website:

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org