OK, MY .02

They may well be interested in walking away with a distro – choice 
being optional – but HOW? ‘Nekkid’ CDs in a coat pocket can get 
dropped/scratched/broken/etc. Instead? Have a mailing list. Yes, a 
mailing list. Rather than ‘here have this for free’ have them give 
a name/address combination, and the change necessary to cover 
postage/envelope (guess here, but maybe $1.50?). It’d come in the 
mail in a few days. No ‘leftovers’ not given away. And IF it 
warranted (enough requests) then maybe the TCLUG-stamped idea I 
saw in an earlier post might be in order? Yes, handing over at the 
event certainly has merit, and some may balk at giving personal 
info, but at least you’ve addressed the possibility of  ‘distro of 
choice’ to the most important person – the one that ASKED for it. 
And hopefully before he/she asked for it, the Lugger helped make 
sure to match-up the distro to the person on the ‘geek-o-meter’ 
reference chart.

And for the truly adventurous, multiple distros could be supplied 
in the mailing. Postage may vary if they ask for ALL of them ;-).

"Never argue with an idiot.
People might get you confused."
M. Twain

>On Tue, 27 May 2003 04:13:19 -0500
>Justin Haaheim <jhaahei2 at gac.edu> wrote:
>> If I'm not mistaken, the idea of giving out the cd's is to 
>> people to linux.  I'm not sure that having a weeding agent 
helps our 
>> cause.  Sure, a redhat system and a slack system and a gentoo 
>> are all fundamentally similar -- they're all linux.  But 
>> gentoo took me days and installing redhat took me 45 minutes.  
If the
>> people we're giving these cd's to are well-versed and 
interested in
>> spending the time on a debian or gentoo install, then fine, but 
then I
>> don't think those kind of people would immediately associate 
>> with redhat.  Keep in mind, there's a difference between 
>> linux with redhat and associating easy-and-transparent-linux 
>> redhat.
>But then we're right back at the point of saying "let's hand out 
other distro's as well instead of ONLY RedHat."  The point of the 
original email in reply to this announcement was to state the 
opinion that other distros should be handed out as well, not just 
RedHat.  Which I think is entirely fair.
>By having multiple distros there to be handed out, it shows the 
versatility of each distro and Linux itself.  Personally, if I was 
there and had the option of snagging a new distro which I hadn't 
tried, I would.  Yes, I know Linux.  But, it's not "only" suits 
that go to these Expos.  On top of that, some "suits" have a very 
good understanding of what's going on and what Linux is.
>Getting back to the original e-mail awhile ago...  Why not make 
some copies of other distros to hand out as well?  Don't have to 
make as many as the RH cd's, but I do think other distros deserve 
to be handed out as well.
>I'm sick of the "Oh, I installed Linux 7.2 (or enter latest RH 
version)" statement personally.  Then I go into my tirade about 
how RH does not equal "Linux" on the person who said it.
>The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is 
>-M. Twain

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org