Munir Nassar wrote:
> can we get some more RH9 CDs to hand out?

I don't want to start a distro war, but how about representing other 
distros besides RedHat?  I think one of the great things about linux and
open source is that you're not locked into one vendor's distro.  I think
it's important to get that message out so people don't get the idea that
RedHat = Linux.  There are always alternatives...

Personally, I think Debian might be too much for a new user doing an 
initial install without assistance.  But for a workstation, and for 
someone who doesn't want to compile everything, it rocks.  The package
management is far superior to rpm, IMHO.

Slackware's installer is menu driven and straight forward.  Accepting
the defaults (like redhat installs) gets you a running system in no
time.  It detects most common PC hardware out of the box.  It just
works.  Makes a great workstation and gives you the flexibility to learn
more when you're ready to start compiling stuff from source.

distro flames > /dev/null

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