I am trying to show my child jesusdressup.com.  It is a fun little
website that is written with javascripts.  It works fine using that ie
browser, but it does not want to work with mozilla.  I do seem to recall
it working some time ago when I was showing it to my eldest child.

I installed the blackdown jre for gcc3.x and ensured that mozilla new
about the new plugins, that did not allow me to 'dress up jesus'.

I tinkered around the java-script console a bit and found a few errors.
I just have no idea how to satisfy its complaints.

This is one of those silly problems that I find that I just can't sleep
until I find the answer.  If anyone has any clues or pointers or LARTS
they want to share with me, please do.

Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
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