> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/vhosts/name-based.html
This was one of the sources I was referencing.

By changing the NameVirtualHost and <VirtualHost> entries to show either an * or ip of the machine, I don't get the error I was before.  Was an error on my part, and an oversight of the documentation.  I wasn't aware of having to need either of those, and not being able to use names.  I also commented out the BindAddress entry.

I can now navigate to both sites by going to either http://domain1.com or http://domain2.net.  I've tried setting up a ServerAlias within the <VirtualHost> blocks, to allow me to go to http://www.domain1.com and http://www.domain2.net.  But, when I navigate to http://www.domain2.net, I get domain1's website.  Aliases are set up properly within DNS, as I can do either an nslookup or dig for both entries successfully.  After any changes made to the httpd.conf file, I've stopped and restarted the apache server.  I looked at the /var/log/apache/error_log, and am not seeing any error messages.

I'm not very familiar with Apache, and am not comfortable with loading modules into it right now.  Otherwise I'd look more into the solution David Phillips mentioned about the mass hosts.

Thanks for the help.


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