Shawn wrote:

>  What happens is I can get domain1 to come up nicely, however when I navigate to domain2, it still points to domain1.
Taken from the apache name-based doc:

"Now when a request arrives, the server will first check if it is using
an IP address that matches the |NameVirtualHost|. If it is, then it will
look at each |<VirtualHost>| section with a matching IP address and try
to find one where the |ServerName| or |ServerAlias| matches the
requested hostname"

since you aparently do not have host names AND you are using the same IP
for both virtual host entries, I think what is happening is Apache just
takes the first VirtualHost matching the NameVirtualHost IP.

*disclaimer* I am by no means an expert on Apache so I could very well
be wrong here.


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