You should be able to do something like this in your smb.conf...

         smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
         dns proxy = no
         encrypt passwords = yes
         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
         security = share
         unix password sync = Yes
         server string = Server1
         workgroup = WORKGROUP
         log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
         netbios name = server1

         comment = Share1
         path = /pub/share1
         read only = yes
         public = yes
         guest ok = yes

That's what I'm doing and it works great.

Shawn wrote:
>   I need to set up Samba so that anyone on the internal network can connect to a server with read only permissions.  Typically, I've only set up Samba on a per user basis by adding them to the file.
>   I'm not sure how to set up the smb.conf file to allow anyone to connect via samba.  The system is not connected to a domain, as multiple domains will be connecting to it.  Do I add the line to the general settings, or to the filesystem which I need to share out?
>   Yes, I do realize the security implications of this.

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