On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 15:39, Mike Hicks wrote:
> Lastly, I thought I'd mention that you can "pin" specific packages to a
> particular version or branch of a distribution in the
> /etc/apt/preferences file.  I do this to keep my X server at the same
> version, since I'm dependent upon Matrox for supplying me with a few
> binaries when I want my dual-head display to work, and doing automatic
> updates can cause version conflicts.
>   Package: xserver-xfree86
>   Pin: release v=4.2.1-3
>   Pin-Priority: 1001
> You can look at the apt_preferences manual page for more information..

Is there any reason to do this instead of simply setting the package
status to "hold"?  Can it pin a specific version (4.2.1), but allow
release upgrades (-3, -4, etc.)?

Ryan Hayle <hackel at walkingfish.com>

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