On Sun, 4 May 2003, Peter Clark wrote:

> 	I was reading up on the Linux file system layout 
> (http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/chap_03.html) and wonder just _how_ 
> difficult it would be to remap the structure, say into a OSX-like layout.

While not an OSX layout, I myself have played around with file structure
on linux.  It's really easy to move stuff around, but often times I needed
symlinks and that got a little hairy.  Certainly Gentoo or LFS would be
easy distros to reconfigure the filesystem.  I guess the real question is
WHY?  I realized after moving things around that my efforts were somewhat
pointless.  Sure, I had a layout that made sense to me, but no one
else.  Then when I sat down on another linux box I was lost again, because
I was used to my filesystem.  I gave up and decided that since the linux
layout works, and all distros use it, there's really no need to go
changing it.


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