On Friday 02 May 2003 10:37 am, mjn wrote:
> I am curious about what people out on the list are using for mobile phone
> providers. Does anyone have a company/service they swear by or swore at
> alot? I am thinking of getting a phone and I have no idea who has the best
> support, calling area, whatever for the TC.
> What do you use? What would recommend to your worst enemy?
> Thanks.

I've had Verizon for a couple of years since I moved back to the TC area. The 
only coverage issues I've had are up in Elk River where I did some consulting 
and I'd loose signal inside at a client site. Otherwise I've never had 
coverage issues. Last winter I moved to their America's Choice plan so the 
phone works all over the country without roaming. (At least in the places I 
tend to go.) I've never had any issues with there customer service. I've done 
business with the Verizon store at Mall of America a few times, service 
upgrades, new phones, etc. The folks there are helpful and seem to know their 

FWIW I now use a Motorola T720 and my wife has one of the lower end ($29.95) 
Motorolas that they have the buy one get one free offers on all the time. 
Jack Ungerleider
jack at jacku.com

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