I think he meant the instructions.  And I agree.

Thanks, Troy; I like it.

A gentle criticism: It seems like there's a step missing there on the
install-new.htm page.  It just seems a little thin where you say "install RHL9
however I like it".

It would be better if you would refer to using ftp to get the isntallation
files from the server and where they will be in your installation and how you
have to tell the RH9 install process that.  I gotta assume you were going to
use ftp to do the install otherwise why would you need the NIC drivers?


On Thu, 1 May 2003, David Phillips wrote:
> Nate Carlson writes:
> > Now, if only someone would do the same thing for APT.. :)
> They did.  It's called rsync:
> http://www.debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror
> http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/

Gerry Skerbitz
gsker at tcfreenet.org

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