On Thursday 06 March 2003 10:36 am, Munir Nassar wrote:
> > I need to create aprox 250 users. I have tried to use some import scripts
> > from the net, but useradd is complaining. Does anyone have a script known
> > to work on redhat 7.1 7-3. Might not make any difference, but I don't
> > know too much about versions of useradd.
> one word: webmin

Another word: why?

Why expose your box to expolits via webmin?

Back to thread:

If your text file is just usernames:

for i in `cat username.txt`; do
  useradd $i

This creat accounts WITHOUT passwords!

If you need passwords, you could look at expects autopasswd program.

The perl gurus can wipe something up that is more flexible. :-)

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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