Bob Tanner <tanner at>  wrote:
> If your text file is just usernames:
> for i in `cat username.txt`; do
>   useradd $i
> done
> This creat accounts WITHOUT passwords!

Or, install pwgen(1) and add the following lines to the script:

    useradd $i
    pwd=`pwgen -s`
    passwd -e $i $pwd
    cat << EONEWUSER | enscript -P $PRINTER
Greetings, ${i}.  Your new account has been created!  Here is the
pertinent information from the finger(1) program:

Your new password is: $pwd

You will be forced to change your password upon your first login
attempt.  Please contact support at domain.tld for help or call at

Thank you for using domain.tld for your internet services!


Chad Walstrom <chewie at> 
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */