I have installed red-carpet-2.0.1-0.ximian.6.1 and
rcd-1.4.2-0.ximian.6.2 on RedHat 9. When I executed red-carpet,
initially it opened with 'updates' tab and says the system is upto date.
Then when I clicked on "Refresh" , it displays an error message
" Unable to download channel data: Attempt to download the channel list
failed: File Not Found - http://red-carpet.ximian.com/channels.xml.gz
(fault-611) "

I have my network up and the proxy server setup properly and rcd daemon
running. I don't know what is going wrong?

Earlier version with RedHat 8.0 worked very well. It used to open up
with unsubscribed channels(first time) and then allowed to subscribe the
desired channels and then display the updates for the system. But the
latest red-carpet client is looking very different in operation. It is a
bit new and confusing initially. 

Has anyone got the latest red-carpet( or even earlier version if in
case) working with RedHat 9?  What does the above error mean? What
should I do to make it work? Please help me with this...


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