On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 09:48:43PM -0500, Wayne Johnson wrote:
> So, being new to bitTorrent, and Digital video, what is this file, and
> after I've spent the 36 hours to download, will have, and how do I play
> it.

Go to whereever you told the client to put it, and open it with Xine, mplayer,
gtv, or anything else that understands MPEG video. FYI, that particular
release is meant to be burnt onto a CD-R and played as an SVCD on a DVD player,
even though it works fine on a PC.

As for taking 36 hours, what kind of net connection are you on? BitTorrent
starts slow (on purpose) then usually ramps up to max out your bandwidth.

The ETA is inaccurate within the first 15-20 minutes on large files.

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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