On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 05:19:32PM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:

> So I was at Target today, and I noticed there's a new V-tech system out for
> $99 and handsets are only $44 each.  I decided to pick it up and test it
> out, if it sucks I can just bring it back.  After I plugged it in, I noticed
> that the display is *exactly* the same as the Panasonic's.  The menu system
> was also exactly the same, and all of the ringtones were exactly the same.
> It also has 3 voicemail boxes just like the panasonic, and the voice is even
> exactly the same.  Even the instruction manual is exactly the same.  IT'S

Yup, I've got one of those. Keep your warranty card, because the LCD dislpay
on the V-Tech *will* fail, and you'll be left trying to figure out what
the caller ID says.

> But, even though it's the same phone, voice quality on the V-tech is 100
> times better, both on my side, and the people I talk to say it sounds
> better.  The panasonic lists for $249, the V-tech is $99 and it's a way
> better phone.

Kinda like paying for a $1800 Gateway system that uses the same parts as
the $500 beige box at $local_computer_store

> I tried to register one of the handsets for the v-tech with the panasonic
> base station, but that didn't work.  It didn't like the base ID I put in.
> But, the handsets both recognize when one of the other brands is picked up.

Yup, they're keyed differently just to annoy people (and make you buy more
phones, of course)

> Jay

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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