On Thu, 29 May 2003, Jerry.Ekegren at thrivent.com wrote:

>>Is anyone using Red Hat 8 in a large corporation as a production HTTP
>>and/or Edge server.  We are looking at using Linux as our HTTP and
>>Edge servers, currently using AIX, but are trying to find a more
>>reasonable alternative than using Red Hat ES at $799 per server or AS
>>at $1499 per server.  Any user experiences would be greatly
I've seen a few fairly large Edge Server deployments, one of the most 
recent was on Linux. I can't remember the exact volume of the site, I 
want to say they were getting at least a million page views a day. Edge 
Server was deployed in a pretty straightforward HA configuration. There 
weren't any issues with performance that were related to the OS.

The current version of Edge Server (or WebSphere Edge Components, as 
it's now called) is only supported on RedHat Advanced Server and SuSE 
(2.1 and 7.3, if memory serves). The installation may complete on other 
distros, but you'll need to use the kernel from either RedHat AS2.1 or 
SuSE 7.3 in order for the product to actually run properly. Plus you'll 
probably get a hard time if you ever need support if you aren't running 
on a supported OS version.

Previous versions of Edge (v2.0.3) had support for RedHat 7.3, but only 
if you apply the latest PTF.

Sorry for the late reply. Let me know if you have any more questions.


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