I have switched my virtual host around, but the first one always dominiates
and prevents the second one from working correctly. I am sure it is a simple
fix, but I have not found it yet.

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName rt.domain.org
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

# this line applies to Apache2+mod_perl2 only
PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat

PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ http://rt.domain.org$1/index.html

<Location />
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler RT::Mason

<VirtualHost *>
<Files ~ "\.(pl)$">
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
DocumentRoot /var/www/WebGUI/www
ServerName domain.org
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ http://domain.org$1/index.pl



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