The 19 inch display has been spoken for.

If you are interested in a 17 inch display eMail me.  I'm not sure if we 
will be doing a disposal at one of our big clients any time soon, but I 
can create a list and pickup the displays.  They would be $25.00 if I 
can get some.
The displays are Compaq V70 and V75 they look and work well. I picked up 
2 for my kids computers the last time (big time Dad points).  I take my 
laptop with RH 8 installed and test them on site so I know they work. I 
don't want to lift any more of them then I need to.

If anyone has an 8 (or more) port 10 or 10/100 hub I would be willing to 
trade something for it.


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