On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 04:19:23PM -0600, Chris Schumann wrote:
> You may not be, but there should be quite a few on the list. Let's do
> some math!

Alas, I must pick some nits.
> Audio CD's start at 500 RPM and slow down to 200 RPM. That's 1x.
> The fast drives go CAV at one speed, and are fastest at the end of
> a disc, so let's go with 52x200 or 10,400 RPM.

Hopefully your numbers are right here - I didn't check.
> The speed of the edge of a disc v=wr which is the rotational
> speed times the radius, or 10400RPM * 6cm or 62400cm/min or
> (uhm... times 1min/60s times 1m/100cm) 10.4m/s (!) or
> 62400 cm/min (times 60min/1hr times 1mi/160934cm) = 23.26 mph.

w in v=wr is angular frequency, which is radians per second.
"Regular" frequency is w/(2 pi).  Or v = 2 pi f r.  So the actual
speed at the edge is 392000 cm/min = 65.3 m/s = 146 mph.
> CD's have a mass of about 20g. A 1g chunk at 10.4m/s should
> have 1/2 * m * v * v energy or about 1/20 (need help with unit
> here...) joule? Or the same energy as a kilogram dropped from
> a height of 5.5mm. (U = mgh)

A 1 gram chunk at 65.3 m/s would have 2.1 joules of energy.
While the disk is spinning, its kinetic energy = 1/2 I w^2.  I,
the moment of inertia is 1/2 m r^2.  So, 
KE_rot = 1/2 (1/2 m r^2) (v/r)^2 = 1/4 m v^2 = 16 J , with
a CD mass of 15 grams.  For comparison, this is the same as the
kinetic energy of a golf ball going 59 mph (26 m/s) - which would
be slow for a golf ball.

Sorry for the abundance of details.

Jim Crumley                  |Twin Cities Linux Users Group Mailing List (TCLUG)
crumley at fields.space.umn.edu |Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota 
Ruthless Debian Zealot       |http://www.mn-linux.org/ 
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