On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:20:05PM -0500, Mark Courtney wrote:
> I have been trying to set up a DNS server behind a firewall and I have had
> less than desirable results.
> I can successfully operate a Web server behind the firewall, by opening
> TCP port 80, but the DNS server does not work even when opening port 53
> UPD and TCP.  I have restarted named and reloaded the configuration after
> placing the DNS server behind the firewall.
> My domains do not resolve from other networks (ISP's) when I put the DNS
> server behind the firewall.

Does the firewall forward queries from the "old" ip to the ip behind your
firewall? Or could you describe your setup?

> I also use this DNS server as the primary for my local network.
> Is there a change that needs to be made to the named config files?

First of all, does any of your domains resolve locally on your network?
On the outside of your firewall? If not have you tried with tcpdump (or
similar tools) to see if any of the packets are actually coming through?

> Another port that needs to be opened?

Port 53 UDP should be enough, although some large queries require TCP to
be used.

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer> <http://photos.eibner.dk/>
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          Putting the HEST in .COM <http://www.hestdesign.com/>