Bob Tanner wrote:

>Some time has pasted and this person has realized how comments made years ago
>can come back to haunt you when posted to a public forum. They said all the
>right things about being stupid, child-like, etc.
>Now, my RFC. Should posts be expunged from the archives?  I don't mean to punish
>this person, but at the same time those posts are part of tclug's history and
>the Internet's history in general.
>Just because it was bad/wrong/improper doesn't mean it's not part of our
>history. Right?
If enough time has passed between when the stuff was posted and now I'd 
say let it go. Defining "enough time" is open to interpretation. 
Personally I'd say if the post is at least two years old then fine - 
honor the request. If he was a dumbass yesterday then he should have to 
live with it for a while. But if it was quite a while ago then let it go.

I'm just thinking of the reasoning for his request. I'm guessing that 
he's worried potential employers may see the past post and write him off 
as an imbecile. Regardless of the fact that there's a google cache, give 
the guy a break. I've said and done some pretty stupid things a few 
years back too. This guy just made the mistake of doing them in a more 
public forum.

I'm not sure why this is turning into a legal discussion. I'm thinking 
more along the lines of forgive and forget, do unto others, etc...

That's all I got.


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