On Tuesday 29 April 2003 10:55 am, Matt Thoren wrote:
> If you need high speed processing like SCADA (2 second or fast scan
> rates) or realtime control of mechanical devices and alarm processing,
> you will most likely use some natively compiled code.   Especially if
> the app(s) requires many daemons all using some form of inter-process
> communication and file and/or database access.

Another positive for native code is when a jvm doesn't exist for your 
hardware. We all like to think that Intel chips run everything (except Sun, 
they think Sparc chips do).

The same arguement holds for C++/QT, if it's not ported to your hardware. But 
with a little work, QT can be ported fairly easily.

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
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