Adam Maloney writes:
 > Qwest DSL will work fine with Linux, provided you go with the external DSL
 > router (nowadays, an ActionTec rather than a Cisco).  The internal DSL
 > modems would require Linux driver support, which I very much doubt is
 > there (they were using Intel 2200's last I checked).
 > The rental of the ActionTec is a few bucks/month, or you can buy it
 > outright for about $150.  Your Linux machine only needs a NIC, and no
 > special drivers.  The ActionTec handles the PPP.  Static/dynamic IP is
 > irrelevant - the ActionTec does NAT out of the box.  It also has port
 > forwarding capabilities like the Cisco's did, so you could forward inbound
 > connections back to your Linux box.

As an aside, you still seem to be able to buy Cisco 678s on eBay.


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