Tuesday, April 15, 2003   @   8:15:52 AM Central Standard Time

LL> Is there a better reference for learning BASH shell scripting than the
LL> O'Reilly book?

Hi.  I don't mean to insult your intelligence or anything like that,
but a couple years ago I scored the following book:

Linux Programming for Dummies
Author:   Jim Keogh

Its focus is teaching you bash, and expects you to have no or little
experience.  I read the book a couple times.  I must admit, this book
gave me a good start.  After I became comfortable with the material in
the "Dummies" book, I started reading the O'Reilly material, and other
bash manuals out their with much more clarity.  It will give you a good start.  I am sure the
book is still available at probably just about any book store.

I highly recommend this book for all Newbies out their.

Rock-On & Take Care,

Robert (aka B_o_B) David Felix De Mars
West Longitude 90' 15' 43"
mailto:chewbaka at toughguy.net

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