A guy at PC backups once told me Ontrack will negotiate downward if they 
perceive that the data is less valuable to you.  I think it's a 
subjective analysis but you might try bargaining with them. I'm certain 
that even with half the rate they would still make a tidy profit. 
 Unfortunately, where the drive has a mechanical failure I suspect you 
don't have too many options.  You can search the web for data recovery 
and you'll find quite a number of places that may be worth researching  
but it seems they may require you to pay for the estimate and that gets 
pretty expensive as well. Its a painful experience and I hope everyone 
is learning from it.
It seems rather suspicious to me that they can determine  "25,4798 good 
files =(14.9 GB) and 0 bad files" without opening the drive and yet need 
clean room expertise (open the drive) to recover the data. Anybody know 
what it is I'm not understanding here.  How much was the estimate?

David Blevins wrote:

>Yikes, I just got a quote back from OnTrack on the data recovery...$1,800!

Paul Overby
xpoverby at attbi.com
phone: 651-452-3233

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