Tuesday, April 15, 2003   @   3:20:46 PM Central Standard Time

Hi all.  Question regarding RedHat rpm's.  I have been using Slackware
for a few years now, but finally loaded redhat 80 on a box to play
with (making a mail server).  I am having problems with any/all rpm's I am trying to load (from cd,
or ftp-site).  I am using the following command to install the rpm's:

rpm -i package_name.rpm

It returns the following error each time:

warning: package_name.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID db42a60e

Any ideas on what the problem might be over here would be greatly

Kind Regards,

Robert (aka B_o_B) David Felix De Mars
West Longitude 90' 15' 43"
mailto:chewbaka at toughguy.net

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