On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 17:38, Amy Tanner wrote:
> We have an oracle database which I'd like to move to an open-source
> database.  Based on talking with the DBA, we have less than 100 Oracle
> pl/sql packages.  Which database would be easiest to migrate to?  Are
> there migration utilities to make this easier?
> Anyone else tackled this?

Migration, no.  Multiple databases, yes.  Actually, the DDL between
Oracle and MySQL are very similiar and I had very little problem with
that. About the only thing I had to abandon is the foreign-key

How do you plan to re-implement the Oracle PL/SQL?  You are out of luck
with MySQL.  Can somebody comment on PostGres?

There are tools available such as SQLPorter.  As always, Google is your
friend. (MySQL Oracle Migration tool or Postgress Oracle Migration

Perry Hoekstra

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