On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:51:10 -0500 (CDT)
Jima <jima at beer.tclug.org> wrote:

>  Well, according to the FreeS/WAN interoperability page for 1.99 [1], 
> compatibility with Nortel Conitivity is "partial" with PSK, and
> evidently it's supported with X.509 under 2.00-pre4 [2].  Alas, no RSA
> SecurID, so it won't work for Jay.  FreeS/WAN does support NAT
> traversal with a patch, though.

  I feel like a dummy right now, but is that referring to the group/password type thing that Nortel has an option for?  Or something else?  Brain isn't working properly right now.


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