waynej at dccmn.com writes:
> I have a friend who wants to set up an e-mail server.  We wants to be
> able to accept e-mail from outlook, etc. via SMTP from his customers.
> In otherwords, he needs to support relaying from other machines on the
> internet...

I recommend using POP-before-SMTP.  It is a simpler, cleaner solution that
works with more clients.

> Anyone know how to set this up with sendmail?

Don't use sendmail.  Ever.  It is a buggy and insecure.  I recommend using
qmail.  It is a much better MTA.  It is faster; reliable; more modular; more
UNIX-like; easier to setup and configure; and most of all, secure:


There is an excellent guide available for installing and configuring qmail:


Once you understand how qmail works, you can setup a server very quickly
using qmail-conf:


You can easily do POP-before-SMTP with relay-ctrl:


Note that due to qmail's modular design, no changes to qmail are required.

David Phillips <david at acz.org>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org