I wasn't implying it doesn't scale, rather you aren't going to see a bank
using it any time soon.  Modest was too all encompassing.  I meant if you
don't need rock solid data integrity, and the niceties of the commmercial

-----Original Message-----
From: David Phillips [mailto:david at acz.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 10:33 AM
To: tclug-list at mn-linux.org
Subject: Re: [TCLUG] moving away from oracle

RWare at INTERPLASTIC.com writes:
> It seems to me MySQL really shines as a dbms to backend your website
> if you have very modest needs

I think you sell MySQL a bit short here.  MySQL is used on high volume
websites precisely because it can handle the load.  For example, directNIC,
the 9th largest registrar (perhaps higher), uses MySQL for everything.  They
get a huge amount of traffic.

David Phillips <david at acz.org>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org