Chris Frederick writes:
 > Got a question on Job Management.  I'm wondering how to set up a job to
 > run on a remote machine, and keep running after a logout.  
 > e.g.  I need to download the latest Linux ISOs from the net, but I can't
 > do it on the laptop because I would have to stop/resume the download
 > like crazy, and I don't know what I could use that would stop/resume a
 > download after a reboot.  So I would want to ssh/telnet to my server and
 > do a "lynx -dump file_on_the_web > file &" (or something similar if
 > there's a better way?).

I would have tried using background mode in ncftp, which has always
worked very well for me.

 > I've tried some tests but they've all failed to keep going:
 > 	tree -d /usr > junk &
 > 	logout
 > junk stopped at only 4k.

Is this related to the earlier question about the use of nohup?  What
happens to jobs when you log out depends on which shell you use,
configuration of that shell and use of nohup.