Can anyone suggest what would be the best WAP + wireless PCI cards for
me to buy for a linux system?  More specifically for a network of about
5 boxen, mostly linux but with one or two windowses [we hates it, my

Specifically, where "best" == "most likely to just work without me
having to spend hours figuring stuff out and editing config files."
Preferably this would include encryption being enabled from the
get-go, rather than requiring a lot of pain to set up.

Actually, if the answer to the above is "there isn't any," that would
be useful info, too!

I'm just reconstructing my home office after a move and trying to
assess whether pulling wire (ugh --- lath and plaster walls) or buying
some stuff will get me to fully functioning fastest.

I know there are HOWTOs out the wazoo on wireless, but most of them
don't really help distinguish between "this will work easily" and
"this will work, but by the end you'll be drinking vodka and percodan
like spring water."
