I began encountering this problem right when I installed RH8, but have since had
the problem with RH7.3 when I updated new packages.  If you add the host that
you are trying to connect to the database from, to the /etc/hosts file of the
machine that is running the database, the error should stop.  I posted a few
threads in some linux and mysql groups and I'm not sure if the issue ever got a
conctete resolution.  If I remember correctly, the issue spawns from the host
running the database not bieng able to properly resolve the hosts that are
trying to connect to it.  Someone said that the reason this was happening was
because one of the redhat RPMS was altering /etc/nsswitch.conf and fouling
something else.  Those things are a little "fuzzy" for me so I'm not sure if
that helps you, or possible someone else to formulate a concrete reason for this

Hope I helped a little though.
