This would piss me off, but I am too busy being
pissed off about the MN state departments of 
Employee Relations and Finance writing IE 
specific web-apps for paystub viewing and 
time tracking.

Silly me. I was thinking that "webifying" apps 
was supposed to keep us from requiring the 
binary application "push it out and start patching" 
exersize. And if you can't run this app on your 
platform (for n/a or age reasons), we 
enter the realm of "substantial additional cost".

What a waste...

>>> tanner at 10/03/02 12:54AM >>>
Quoting Bob Tanner (tanner at 
> Wanna order DSL connectivity online?
> We're sorry.   Your browser is not compatible with this site.   If
you would
> like to enter the the Qwest DSLTM Web Ordering Site anyway, click on
the Let Me
> In button below.   Please be aware that the site may not operate
Sucks if you are not running IE.