* cbidler at innominatus.com <cbidler at innominatus.com> [020529 09:43]:
> minds of game publishers to really believe in the Mac as a gamer's platform.

I've given up mostly for pc gaming and linux with my new computing
platform not able to play much in the way of games.  Amusingly, this
reduces the amount of money I blow on 'entertainment hardware'.  I now
have a few cards I can sell on ebay for a little cash and not feel this
upgrade urge.

I've stuck with consoles because the upgrade path is less insane and
many consoles do have quality games worth playing.  with the advent of
online console gaming, its going to be harder for me to justify using a
computer to play games.  Yeah, the resolution isn't as good, but that
will change some day.  The games designed for consoles deal with it just
fine, usually.  (PC to console ports scare me usually, however)

Scott Dier <dieman at ringworld.org> http://www.ringworld.org/