when last we saw our hero (Thursday, May 30, 2002), 
 Brian was madly tapping out:
> I'm setting up some virtual hosts on Apache and running into a few issues.
> I'm using the default config with RH6.2 so all my stuff is stored in
> /home/httpd.  The default website is stored in /home/httpd/html/ and works
> spledidly.  I can create .htaccess and .htpasswd files without issue.  I
> can create a directory and browse to it through a browser.  Life is good.
> The I created a virtual server and things aren't so peachy.  First thing I
> noticed, if I create a directory and try to browse to it I am 
> "forbidden".  If I put an index.html file in this directory, all is 
> good.  If I put .htaccess and .htpasswd files in this directory, they fail
> to stop me.  Are there some extra options I need to throw into my
> <VirtualHost> section to make this stuff work?

typically - when i setup a virtualhost i put a directory directive
within the virtualhost scope to handle the different options that i
want to put in place.  one of the directives that you'll want to check
on in your configuration is the AllowOverrides option.  you can allow
authentication to be overridden at the .htaccess level with this

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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