On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 09:27:02AM -0500, nate at refried.org wrote:
> Web forums have always sucked, IMNSHO.  The last forums that I actually
> liked, you could download the messages in QWK packets to read them
> offline.  

Some people like the GUI environment.  I have NEVER understood it for
mail / forum type things.

I've got webmail running for my wife and step-daughters.  I freaked
out the younger girl a couple of months back.  She was working on my
Win98 box reading webmail, I was working on my Linux box in console
mode.  She groaned about having "lots" of e-mail to go through -
something like 30-40.  (Yeah, I know.)

She started in on hers at the same time I started in my Bujold list
backlog - about 350 messages.  She leaned back and breathed a sigh of
relief when she was done - and I told her that in the time she'd taken
to process her 30-40, I'd done 350.  She was ... surprised.

Those graphic screen re-writes KILL productivity.  So, explain to me
WHY we should want to use an environment that is INHERENTLY slower to
read what is essentially text information?

Scott Raun
sraun at fireopal.org