At 07:07 PM 5/8/02 -0500, Bob wrote:
>Was talking with a few fellow geeks and the desire for a tclug-greyhatpak was
>What is a greyhatpak?
>I'm thinking it's a set of tools for network security.
>Thinks like nmap, nessus, etc.
>I'll start a running list here:
>Let me know what to add.
>Wired and wireless tools would be great.

I carry my Trinux bootable business card everywhere.   A subset of its 
package list would fit.

Network tools I use every day include:

ntop: traffic monitor, both GUI and ncurses available
ethereal: packet sniffer, comes in GUI and command-line
netcat: send or listen on any TCP or UDP port.  Extremely handy for 
quick-n-dirty network apps
tcpdump: command-line packet sniffer
stunnel: wraps encryption around most any standard TCP protocol
dsniff: information grabber for clear-text and ssh1 connections.  Useful 
for convincing people to switch from ftp and telnet to ssh2/scp/sftp.
ettercap: connection sniffer with extras (I don't run this at work, 
ever.  It can do mean things to switches like ARP-spoofing).
etherape: graphical view of network traffic, very pretty but requires Gnome.

In addition, I'd recommend putting the latest libpcap packet capture 
library in the greyhatpack since a number of these tools depend on it.

Carl Patten