On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 12:31:35PM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> Quoting nate at refried.org (nate at refried.org):
> > AFS
> >  - Client keeps a cache of 50 - 100 MB
> How about performance? Would AFS make a better file server for
> something like a smallish web cluster then NFS?

Good question.  I would guess that the initial setup of an AFS cell
stops most people from answering such a question.  I did a little
searching and couldn't find any performance numbers.  I did find a few
interesting links:

IBM Redbook on using AFS for web content management

Performance of Several HTTP Demons on an HP 735 Workstation

Doesn't Amy work at a site with an AFS cell?  Perhaps she could run a
few tests.  
