On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> been wanting to know how to print fancy colors in shell scripts for about as
> long as I've seen Linux in use.
> I finally spent the time to figure it out. :)
> mind you, this is bash 2.05; not guaranteed to work anything like the same
> way, anywhere else.
> here's an example script:
> #!/bin/bash
> COLORS='\n
> \e[1mBold Text\e[m\n
> \e[4mUnderline Text\e[m\n


There is nothing new under the sun :-)> .   I remember doing the same
thing, and I think with the same escape sequences, in DCL (Digital Command
Language) on a VAX running VMS in the 1980's.  IIRC, you could also do
this in MS-DOS using ansi.sys.  But thanks for listing all of these.
Most of my old VAX documentation is lost, and I had been wanting to have
such a list again.  In these modern GUI days this sort of thing counts
as arcane lore :-)>

Glenn McDavid
gmcdavid at attbi.com
gmcdavid at winternet.com